
Main occupation

Компанијата ДОРАКАН се занимава со снабдување со печатена и непечатена пластична амбалажа за текстилна индустрија, електроника, канцелариски материјали...

- Кеси за испраќање на секаков вид поштенски пратки
- Кеси за сервиси за хемиско чистење
- OXO - биоразградливи кеси за трговија на мало, прехранбена индустрија...

Interested in cooperation with:

Компании што работат со текстил, трговци на големо и мало, карго компании, сервиси за хемиско чистење




The company DORAKAN is engaged in the supply of printed and unprinted plastic packaging PP, OPP, CPP, OXO-PP bags for the textile industry, electronics, office supplies... from 2µ to 10µ. We have a wide range of products, and with our knowledge and experience we always try to maintain the quality of our products. We also offer OXO - biodegradable products that are 100% soluble in nature, for a period of 12 to 24 months. In this way, we try to give our share in environmental protection.


- Mailing bags

- LDPE, HDPE, OXO-LDPE, OXO-HDPE, PP-CPP-OPP-LDPE-OXOPP bags (self-adhesive, with hangers, with zipper, perforated...).

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Mailing bags are tear and puncture resistant, making them the perfect solution for mailing. Also known as CoEx bags, these totes are made from a three-layer co-extruded LDPE material, which gives this packaging its tear- and puncture-resistant quality. These bags are made with an opaque white outer layer and a black or gray inner layer, providing privacy when sending personal items, t-shirts, electronics and more, as well as complete confidentiality when delivering documents.

Self-adhesive bags - An excellent solution for storing documents, textiles and other items, when you need to keep the contents safe and/or protect them from moisture, dust, dirt or other contaminants.

Poly hook bags are designed to help make it easier to display textiles, knitwear, toys and other products in stores in an efficient and effective way. We offer many different types of poly hook bags that will help you display your products in stores more easily.

The DORAKAN offer also includes bags for packing clean clothes after dry cleaning. We deliver them packed individually in a large package or in rolls, with the option to order a printed or unprinted version.

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Street: Industrial Zone, Gradoshorci Village, Vasilevo, 2400 Strumica, Macedonia
City: Strumica
Country: Macedonia

Social media

Contact person

Barkin Akan
